Reproductive Rights

I was up in arms about the all male panel on the House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform hearings on the contraceptive coverage rule when I saw the photo depicting these religious leaders and professors on ethics and religion: Rev. William Lori, Roman Catholic bishop of Bridgeport, Conn.; Rev. Matthew Harrison, the president of the... Continue Reading →


Sorry for the silent treatment the past week. I was wrestling and then not wrestling with emotions and hope. Somehow the first visit to REACH for my IUI kind of made me disassociate from everything. Something in my mind snapped when I saw the word INFERTILITY next patient catagory. It seemed more final. I felt... Continue Reading →

The F Word

I’ve decided to make February The F Word month. F as in FERTILITY. I never understood how lousy the word was until I began facing my own physical limitations. I recognize now, that fertility is a dirty word. It trumps f#*k’s obscenity. It inherently judges an involuntary ability. And for those of us who stepped... Continue Reading →

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