
I remember watching movies and hearing, "Mayday, mayday!" as an actor clutched a handset yelling for help into the great unknown. This May has been a whirlwind. I've been working hard on the Charlotte Leukemia Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Man of the Year campaign. We were tapped to participate a handful of days prior to kickoff... Continue Reading →

One week ago tomorrow, I sent my first query and submission to an agent.  Want to know what I've been doing since then? Recuperating. Seriously, I have. Once I committed to releasing LIFE-LIKE into the inbox narcolepsy took control. I could barely keep my eyes open an hour after. I have similar fits of sleepiness... Continue Reading →

Week 18: The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

I'm excited to be part of the Next Big Thing blog hop. I was tagged by a wonderful writer, Lisa Koosis, Who answered the same ten questions on her own blog,, last Wednesday. What is the working title of your book? LIFE-LIKE Where did the idea come from for the book? The story originated from... Continue Reading →

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

Mom, I want to tell you how much I love you. I know you prefer personal matters to remain private. But this year I want to shout it from the rooftop how amazing I think you are. So please, pull up your desk chair and slip on your reading glasses and get comfortable. Thank you... Continue Reading →


My little girl wants some sisters. She tells me about her big sister who is 14. Her sister is naughty. She pushes my girl and doesn't listen to mommy. Her sister also sings songs with her and plays with her. Some days my girl has a brother too, but not as often. She calls her... Continue Reading →

Snookie’s baby

Why on earth is the denied rumor that Snookie is pregnant news? Why was it on Yahoo!'s home page Wednesday? Why does it matter that a young, MTV reality celebri-wanna-be got drunk again and possibly pregnant? The so-called news tweaks my infertility nerve. First off my thoughts are, shit, another person who can when I... Continue Reading →

5 Days Late

I was five days late. Went out and bought a pregnancy test. Negative. Period showed up 7 hours later today. For a minute there I thought I was about to receive a Christmas miracle. Funny how hope can show up and make my heart race. Oh well. At least now I can drink some red... Continue Reading →

False Alarm

Even though we are no longer trying to have a baby it seems my body is still practicing for pregnancy. And believe me when I tell you, it’s annoying! How can I maintain a level head when my hormones fuck with me? Let me explain what I’m talking about. On or about day 16 of... Continue Reading →


Hi there. Sorry I've been quiet. I am overloaded with the stress of trying to get a mortgage. If I could articulate what I've been through without saying fuck every other word I would, but that is not possible. So instead I'll spread good news. The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators is having... Continue Reading →


I've had the hankering for a new tattoo lately. This will not please my mother for sure. She doesn't understand ink. She thinks if I want something to keep forever I should get a painting of it not brand my body. I'm pretty sure my dad feels the same way. That being said, I still... Continue Reading →

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