What a gift!

I received a miraculous gift. And I'd like to tell you about it because I could never have planned any of it.  Not that I could have planned most anything that's happened in my life. Never in  million years did I think while I was growing up on Long Island that I would move to... Continue Reading →


Hi ladies of ICLW. This morning I am trying to breathe through some serious cramping. I know these are serious because I've taken an Aleve and a PMS pill and still the pain radiating from my right hip flexor through to my back has me wanting to say, "Mercy!" On days like this I think my... Continue Reading →

Letting Go

I did it. I packed up the last of the precious baby things I held on to and gave them away. The tummy time matt. Her crib bedding. The fancy felt blocks, BPA free bottles, and Sofie the giraffe. Deep breath. I think I'm settling back into accepting my reality: Hi, I'm Holly, and I... Continue Reading →


My little girl wants some sisters. She tells me about her big sister who is 14. Her sister is naughty. She pushes my girl and doesn't listen to mommy. Her sister also sings songs with her and plays with her. Some days my girl has a brother too, but not as often. She calls her... Continue Reading →

Snookie’s baby

Why on earth is the denied rumor that Snookie is pregnant news? Why was it on Yahoo!'s home page Wednesday? Why does it matter that a young, MTV reality celebri-wanna-be got drunk again and possibly pregnant? The so-called news tweaks my infertility nerve. First off my thoughts are, shit, another person who can when I... Continue Reading →

Holiday Neurosis

I have been avoiding you. Nothing personal, it’s just I’ve had so many thoughts running through my head I needed time to sort them. I also wanted to be able to wrap them up in a funny package, but trying to write funny is disastrous. Instead I’ll confess to the things that have been keeping... Continue Reading →

5 Days Late

I was five days late. Went out and bought a pregnancy test. Negative. Period showed up 7 hours later today. For a minute there I thought I was about to receive a Christmas miracle. Funny how hope can show up and make my heart race. Oh well. At least now I can drink some red... Continue Reading →

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