bad dreams and querying

My young adult novel, Life-Like has a life of its own in the world now. It sits patiently waiting in query mailboxes across the country and across the pond. All my years of writing, all my dreams, are in the hands of strangers waiting to be judged. I wrote the best book I could. Some agents... Continue Reading →

Duggars, really?

I don't mean to be a hater. I swear I don't, but at this point I'm rather grossed out by the Duggars and here is a list of reasons why: For all of us who are fertility challenged they are show-offs I can't believe parents with 19 kids ever have time for sex She reminds... Continue Reading →

big ticket items

My man candy and I will be moving in about one month. The purging has begun in preparation of shoving our belongings back into boxes so they can be carted a few miles away into a great house we can call our own. Of course you know what he asked me, "What about the crib?... Continue Reading →

spring cleaning

I did it. I actually purged 4 garbage bags full of my daughters old clothes and toys. I was nostalgic as I pulled the boxes out of the storage room and sifted through her tiny clothes. I only kept a few of my favorite things, the 9 month old skinny jeans my cousin bought, the... Continue Reading →

Lucky Duck

I spent the weekend in LA. An old friend, old as in I’ve known him for 20 years not as in our age thank you very much, got married and I didn’t want to miss out on participating in the lovely event. Rob, my friend, was stressed out and busting his ass trying to make... Continue Reading →

Still Counting

I wish I could tell you all of my neurotic behaviors regarding getting pregnant have all disappeared, but that's not the case. I am painfully aware of what day of my cycle I'm at. I am still taking the folic acid, prenatal vitamins and the last of the FertilAid ( that's in my pantry 3x a day.... Continue Reading →


I know I've been quiet, this is kind of my thing. When I feel overwhelmed by circumstances and emotions I retreat into myself. I don't feel like talking about my feelings, I am trying to manage them and do what needs to get done in my life. (be a mom to my amazing 3-year-old, work... Continue Reading →

snarky humor

I am 12 hours away from my insemination. I'm a little bit excited, and have the most Holly thoughts running through my mind. So among all the seriousness of infertility, I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my sense of humor. (and believe it or not I still have one) What does one wear when... Continue Reading →


Last Friday I began my first IUI cycle blood work and meds. The best part so far is the nurse who drew my blood did not leave me with a nasty bruise on my arm. The worst thing was the darting eye contact of the other fifteen women riding along with me on the conveyor... Continue Reading →

The F Word

I’ve decided to make February The F Word month. F as in FERTILITY. I never understood how lousy the word was until I began facing my own physical limitations. I recognize now, that fertility is a dirty word. It trumps f#*k’s obscenity. It inherently judges an involuntary ability. And for those of us who stepped... Continue Reading →

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